If you prefer, you can also reach us by filling out the form below. Simply provide your name, contact information, and a brief message, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you for considering Mossel Bay Funeral Services. If you have any questions, need assistance, or would like to learn more about our funeral and memorial services or funeral cover options, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
102 Montagu St, Mossel Bay, South Africa
083 700 4943
044 690 3314
No matter which branch you visit, you can expect compassionate service and personalised assistance from our experienced staff.
3 Mossel Street
Mossel Bay
044 693 1898
Kwanonqaba Mall (next to Shoprite)
Mossel Bay
044 693 2816
15 Watsonia Avenue
Great Brak River
082 523 5148
Thembalethu Square
073 855 5154
Mossel Bay Funeral Services is a Juristic Representative of Yellowstone Multivest Pty Ltd an authorised Financial Service Provider FSP No. 53347, underwritten by Clientèle Life Assurance Company Limited, a licensed life insurer and an authorised Financial Services Provider, FSP No. 15268. Company Registration No. 1973/016606/06.